Monday, September 13, 2010


Is your date distracted? Take it as a compliment

According to new research, if you're out with a new man and he becomes distracted by a sports car while talking to you, you should take it as a compliment.

The study, conducted by a university in Amsterdam, found that being with a glamorous woman is more likely to make men think of luxury goods such as fast cars and expensive watches than if he was out with a more dowdy female.

However, be warned, if conversation turns to domestic items such as dishwashers or a new pair of slippers, chances are he's not attracted to you.

The belief is that while with a glam girl, a guy will subconsciously be working out how he can afford expensive items to prove to her that he's rich and successful. But, when he's out with a less attractive girl, he will be able to remember everyday items more easily as he doesn't feel the need to impress.

So, next time you're out on a first date and your guy seems annoyingly distracted by a flash new car going past, rather than your scintilatiing conversation about working in car insurance, you know that at least it's because he fancies you.



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