Monday, March 1, 2010


Drink-driver crashes horse-drawn truck

Most people charged with drink driving have been caught behind the wheel of a car or some other motorised vehicle. However, one 62-year-old Polish man has been charged with drink-driving a lorry and a horse.

When the Polish driver's lorry broke down, he cunningly tried to use his horse to tow the vehicle to the garage for repair while he steered from inside the truck

The driver's adventure came to a sudden halt when he managed to steer the lorry into the path of an oncoming car before hitting a roadside railing which tipped the truck over.

Amazingly, no one was injured in the incident although the horse received an ear bashing as the driver tried to blame the accident on the poor animal.

The owner is now facing charges which include animal cruelty and drink-driving and will, no doubt, lose any chance of finding cheap car insurance.

[Image © Sark 2007 via Flickr, under Creative Commons Licence]