Thursday, September 30, 2010


Sat nav stupidity and mapping Wales

The pictures are amazing (courtesy of the Daily Mail), but the story is dumb as!

A white van man, naturally, blindly follows his sat-nav off the main road in Switzerland and ends up stuck on what the emergency services described as a “glorified goat track”.

With no way to turn around the hapless delivery driver was forced to phone the emergency services and scream for help (we don’t know for sure that he was screaming, but it all adds to the imagery). They in turn had to send a heavy duty helicopter to air-lift him off the mountain side near Burgen.

The red-faced white van man told police, “I was lost and I kept hoping that each little turn would get me back to the main road. In the end [my sat nav] told me to turn around but of course I couldn't by then.”


I have to say, while holidaying in Wales recently, on requesting a route to the nearest petrol station, my own sat nav took me down lanes which were little more than farm tracks; you needed a serious 4x4 to get up and down them and heaven forbid if you met a tractor coming the other way. One time I had to reverse for a quarter of a mile almost while the farmer crept towards me eating a sandwich.

But hey, I’m smart, after that little jaunt I took to consulting this strange piece of paper called a MAP! I stuck to the main roads and when my virtual-navigator kept saying “Turn right at the end of the road” I would just look up the 20% gradient, single lane track and say “uh uh, no way!”

image © bzo via Flickr, under Creative Commons Licence

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Naked woman steals cab from police station

After stripping in the back of a US cab and then stealing it, one 29-year-old woman from Louisiana is unlikely to find cheap car insurance.  

The woman had hailed a cab and demanded to be taken from Louisiana to Michigan, some 1,200 miles away. Unsurprisingly the cabbie refused to take her on such a long journey and so to retaliate, the woman started undressing in the back of the cab.

She refused to cover herself up, so the cabbie took his vehicle to the nearest police station and left her in the cab while he went to get help.

Carelessly, the cabbie left the keys in the ignition and his passenger made off with the cab, driving a just few blocks before falling asleep naked in the back seat.

When she was found by police, the woman was arrested and charged with exposing herself and stealing the vehicle.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Is your date distracted? Take it as a compliment

According to new research, if you're out with a new man and he becomes distracted by a sports car while talking to you, you should take it as a compliment.

The study, conducted by a university in Amsterdam, found that being with a glamorous woman is more likely to make men think of luxury goods such as fast cars and expensive watches than if he was out with a more dowdy female.

However, be warned, if conversation turns to domestic items such as dishwashers or a new pair of slippers, chances are he's not attracted to you.

The belief is that while with a glam girl, a guy will subconsciously be working out how he can afford expensive items to prove to her that he's rich and successful. But, when he's out with a less attractive girl, he will be able to remember everyday items more easily as he doesn't feel the need to impress.

So, next time you're out on a first date and your guy seems annoyingly distracted by a flash new car going past, rather than your scintilatiing conversation about working in car insurance, you know that at least it's because he fancies you.
